Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Beginings.

   So this morning I sent my baby to Kindergarten.  I admit I cried a little bit after he got on the bus, but he never looked back.  He got on that bus like a champ.  Breaks my heart a little bit, but it also lets me hope that I did something right in raising this little boy.

   So now I am going to tell you about his last few days and how they have been for him.  But first a few important notes.  He has asthma, which is triggered by when he gets sick.  He has an autoimmune deficiency called iGa deficiency.  In easy terms to understand he gets sick very easily.  He doesn't have the stuff in his nose to be able to keep him from getting sick.

   Once he is sick he can fight it off because he can make the antibodies to fight it off.  So everything is kinda compounded for him.  So I try to keep him as healthy as I can.  I cannot do anything to help him with his iGa deficiency but I try to do what I can to naturally help his immune system by giving him the usual multivitamins, but I also give him cod liver oil that has vitamin A, C, and D in it.  Also I give him elderberry gummies.

   So last week on Wednesday we had Kindergarten orientation.  I did not notice anyone sick in his class but it could have come from anyone in the school.  Friday morning he woke up with a runny nose, coughing, headache, and sneezing.  So I bumped up his usual medicine (as per his doctor,) then he got a fever.  It wasn't very high only about 100-101, but he was still pretty active just didn't have an appetite.  Saturday I went to Sam's Club.  It was supposed to be a family outing but with Julian's fever I didn't want him to go out.  Sunday we went to a birthday party for my husbands pap.  He was feeling better and I figured some outside time would be good for him.

   Sunday night after his bath he was working a little too hard to breathe, so he got hooked up to the nebulizer to do a treatment before bed.  I also noticed that he sounded a little crackly when he breathed.  So the next morning I called his asthma and allergy doctor.  He likes to see him when he is sick so that he can adjust his medicines or whatnot if they are not working.  When he woke up on Monday he has a more wet cough meaning he had stuff in his lungs that he was trying to cough up.
   So his appointment was made for the afternoon and I continued with his medicine and neb treatment.  He still sounded crackly but it was intermittently.  So off we went to the doctor.  His fever had finally broken but the doctor still put him on an antibiotic because of mucosis, I'm guessing maybe a sinus infection, and one of his ears looked a little red.  Since it was time for his next neb treatment while we were there.  They also decided to do a breathing test while we were there.  His results were ok, but not as good as they could be or his base line.  He had done the test before at an appointment when he wasn't sick to get a base line.

   Today he is doing better after having a day or two of antibiotics in him and nebulizer treatments.  Hopefully this is not an indication of what the school year is going to be like.  But if it is, I will take it in stride and do what I can to keep my big boy safe and healthy.  Feel free to ask any questions.
   Don't forget I am now on Facebook.

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