Monday, August 11, 2014

Busy, busy weekend

    So we had a busy weened around here, my youngest turned three on Sunday and we had his birthday party on Saturday.  Thursday we went to the store to get stuff for the party.  Friday I baked the cupcakes on Friday, the decorated on Saturday morning.  It was fun getting together with family and the kids really enjoyed running around outside most of the day.

   My husband found this little guy on one of the kids toys on Saturday.  We think it may be a toad or bullfrog.  He put it in the pond with the other frogs, but it disappeared after a few hours.

   This is also what took up some time of my Sunday.  I canned seven jars of pickles, bring my total up to around 30 jars that I have done up.  As you can see, I still have some cucumbers left over to can the next time.  I'm getting about a handful or two of beans each day so I blanch bunches every two days or so.

   My husband surprised me on Friday with these flowers.  I love orange roses they are beautiful and have opened up so much since I got them.

   The downside of having such a fun day on Saturday and staying up late was being so tired all day long on Sunday.  And then my oldest was out of sorts.  Turns out he has hand, foot, and mouth disease.  He had it last year somehow, but this year he has gotten it worse.  He has blisters on his hands, feet, butt, and in his mouth.  He also was getting sick this morning, but really seems like he is feeling better after some Motrin and a shower.  For now he is quarantined in his bedroom.  He doesn't mind though, he gets a day of playing on his DS without his brothers trying to watch him.  Hopefully his blisters disappear soon because I don't want my other two to get it as well, but HFMD can last for up to a week or so.  Luckily school doesn't start for about two weeks so he should be go to go by then.  But until then I am not taking him out of the house because it is also contagious.  Fun, fun in a house with little kids.  But it's just another part of life with little kids. 

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