Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Recap of the last few days

   Quick post today because I still have sick babies.  Above is a picture of my middle son playing with some puzzles this morning.  He does really well with them till he gets bored and decides to go do something else, usually leaving puzzle pieces all over.  Until mommy tells him to clean it up.

   This is my harvest from my garden for the last few days.  Yesterday it rained all day with addition to having sick kids so I didn't get out to pick my green beans.  Which means I had more than usual that were overripe, at least to me they were.  But never fear there is always tomorrow and every day till they stop producing.  They still do some good for us though, because if they are overripe I just toss them into the compost pile.

  And this would be my youngest, the most miserable out of the three that are sick.  Who fell asleep today during lunch.  Don't mind the mess, he is a boy, and I cleaned him up before putting him in his bed.

   Not much else to talk about.  My days have been taken up caring for under the weather kids.  Which means a lack of sleep for mommy.  Thankfully they all slept pretty good last night except for two or three moment mommy had to get up to comfort little ones.  But a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do.  Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.  That's all for now folks.  I hear my baby calling me.

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