Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Beginings.

   So this morning I sent my baby to Kindergarten.  I admit I cried a little bit after he got on the bus, but he never looked back.  He got on that bus like a champ.  Breaks my heart a little bit, but it also lets me hope that I did something right in raising this little boy.

   So now I am going to tell you about his last few days and how they have been for him.  But first a few important notes.  He has asthma, which is triggered by when he gets sick.  He has an autoimmune deficiency called iGa deficiency.  In easy terms to understand he gets sick very easily.  He doesn't have the stuff in his nose to be able to keep him from getting sick.

   Once he is sick he can fight it off because he can make the antibodies to fight it off.  So everything is kinda compounded for him.  So I try to keep him as healthy as I can.  I cannot do anything to help him with his iGa deficiency but I try to do what I can to naturally help his immune system by giving him the usual multivitamins, but I also give him cod liver oil that has vitamin A, C, and D in it.  Also I give him elderberry gummies.

   So last week on Wednesday we had Kindergarten orientation.  I did not notice anyone sick in his class but it could have come from anyone in the school.  Friday morning he woke up with a runny nose, coughing, headache, and sneezing.  So I bumped up his usual medicine (as per his doctor,) then he got a fever.  It wasn't very high only about 100-101, but he was still pretty active just didn't have an appetite.  Saturday I went to Sam's Club.  It was supposed to be a family outing but with Julian's fever I didn't want him to go out.  Sunday we went to a birthday party for my husbands pap.  He was feeling better and I figured some outside time would be good for him.

   Sunday night after his bath he was working a little too hard to breathe, so he got hooked up to the nebulizer to do a treatment before bed.  I also noticed that he sounded a little crackly when he breathed.  So the next morning I called his asthma and allergy doctor.  He likes to see him when he is sick so that he can adjust his medicines or whatnot if they are not working.  When he woke up on Monday he has a more wet cough meaning he had stuff in his lungs that he was trying to cough up.
   So his appointment was made for the afternoon and I continued with his medicine and neb treatment.  He still sounded crackly but it was intermittently.  So off we went to the doctor.  His fever had finally broken but the doctor still put him on an antibiotic because of mucosis, I'm guessing maybe a sinus infection, and one of his ears looked a little red.  Since it was time for his next neb treatment while we were there.  They also decided to do a breathing test while we were there.  His results were ok, but not as good as they could be or his base line.  He had done the test before at an appointment when he wasn't sick to get a base line.

   Today he is doing better after having a day or two of antibiotics in him and nebulizer treatments.  Hopefully this is not an indication of what the school year is going to be like.  But if it is, I will take it in stride and do what I can to keep my big boy safe and healthy.  Feel free to ask any questions.
   Don't forget I am now on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life always seem so busy.

   So what has been happening around here.  Last week I made these brownies.  My husband is diabetic (and he uses cinnamon to control his sugar levels.)  They turned out great and didn't even taste like they were sugar free.  I didn't look close enough to the box though when it said that it should be baked in an 8X8 or 9X9 pan and I used a regular 9X11 cake pan.  So i just cooked it less than it recommended and checked it frequently.  But they were a lot better than I expected.  The last few times I made brownies they have all been flops, from scratch recipes and box recipes alike. So I am very glad that I found these and will more than likely make them again.

   Young and old sitting together.  They have been playing together a lot recently and its so cute to see them run around together.

   On Saturday I took my first trip to Sam's Club.  It was supposed to be a family trip with all of us going but my oldest woke up with a cold on Friday and had a fever (he has an autoimmune deficiency disorder so I may post about that and the past few days for him tomorrow,) so plans changed and it was just me and the middle man who went.  I felt like a little kid in a candy store walking around through the store.  All the deals and excellent prices! I spent more than I had been planning but as my husband pointed out I wont have to worry about purchasing the things I did for at least a month.  So I just need to budget better so that when I do go I can get everything I need.  But it may take a few months to get my pantry stocked to where I want it.

   On Sunday we went to an 80th birthday party for my husbands pap.  It was at a local state park and there was a little stream next to where the pavilion was.  So I'm guessing you know what that means.  Little boys playing in the water.  Lots of water and lots of mess, but I came prepared with an extra set of clothes for everyone. 

   Nine times out of ten if I can't find this little guy he is probably in his brothers room.  He likes to go in and steal blankets out of his brothers room or just likes to hang out on his bed and play.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Now on Facebook!

Quick little blip.  Got the facebook page up today so look me up at A Life Of Organized Chaos.  Bear with me as I figure everything out that goes along with that.  Oh and here's a little TBT for ya.

   This is my very ornery middle child.  He was so young back them.  A more recent picture is the one for my profile, he's in it with me.  Wow, it's hard to remember him not having all the hair he does today, lol.

The top of the food chain

   So I saw something rather neat as I was coming up my driveway last night.  I thought I saw a hawk in my yard but I couldn't tell for sure because of the distance.  So after I parked my car in the garage I got out and started walking toward the bird.  It hadn't moved yet at this point.  Then suddenly it took flight, and it had a snake in it's claws.  It was just kinda cool to see that.  It's not something you see often, even in the country.  But after what I saw I have learned two things, one: There are always more snakes in my yard than I care to admit and I've seen more this year than last year, and two: I'm going to have to have an enclosed chicken yard so the hawk doesn't take off with a chicken or duck.

   When we moved in we got two long hoses so that we could water the garden, so we got one of those square hose containers, I don't know exactly what it's called but you get the point.  Then these flowers popped up behind the container.  This year I noticed them in two other places in my yard and I have no idea how they got there.  But also, I have NO idea what kind of flowers they are.  Any ideas?


   They were playing "chicken" with the 4-wheelers, the smaller one is little mans that he got for Christmas.  The bigger ones battery is dead.  When we had the house fire the 4-wheeler was outside in the shed, but the charger was in the house and we have had a really hard time finding a new charger.  Well now the battery charger that they rigged up does not work either or the battery is shot so now I need to find a new battery for it and charger.  It may be easier than just looking for a charger.

  Corn on the cob from the garden!  I must admit I love having a garden and there is no better feeling in the world that knowing exactly where your food come from and the pride you get as well.  My cucumbers are starting to slow down a little bit, but they are also now getting thicker instead of longer, so now sure how good of pickles they are going to make but since I have like thirty jars in my basement, I think we will be set for awhile.

   This is a picture of my kids artwork after it has dried, (the water and the chalk.)

   One cool part about their creativeness.  Tiny chalk footprints.

   Shared on the Homestead Barn Hop

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Busy few days

   Its been a busy few days.  I've been meeting people that I have sold some of the kids old toys to this week.  Tuesday Little Man had his three year check-up.  Today, my oldest has Kindergarten Orientation (AH!!.)  Tomorrow and Friday I have more set up times to meet people. But I should have time this afternoon to right an actual blog post, plus I'm taking the plunge and making a facebook page for the blog.  Hopefully that will be up and running soon so be on the look out. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

It's getting hot in here

   Wow, my house is hot right now, or maybe it's just me, phew.  I had the kids outside this afternoon and I was out running around with them and doing some yard work.  Then when my youngest decided he would rather watch a movie we came inside and I started canning my next batch of pickles.

   This is my youngest on his walk about, lol.  He just likes to wander around the yard, play with this or that.  Try to run around the house a few times.

  This is the older two's art work.  They like to make the porch wet them color on it with chalk.  They really do make some neat looking stuff.  And when it dries it looks different as well.

  Lounging on his 4-wheeler.  His battery died so he decided to sun bathe, maybe, I don't know, lol.

  My pickles, nine jars canned and two jars of refrigerator pickles.  We were starting to run low in the fridge, I ran out of room in the canner, and I had more cucumbers to do up.

   Apparently playing outside was too much for him. Such a cutie, still not over being sick but getting much better, thankfully.

   Here is a late throw back Thursday picture.  I found some old flash drives and memory cards that had old pictures on them so I put them on my computer and now I can do some throwback Thursdays! Yay, lol.  I get excited over such small things.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Recap of the last few days

   Quick post today because I still have sick babies.  Above is a picture of my middle son playing with some puzzles this morning.  He does really well with them till he gets bored and decides to go do something else, usually leaving puzzle pieces all over.  Until mommy tells him to clean it up.

   This is my harvest from my garden for the last few days.  Yesterday it rained all day with addition to having sick kids so I didn't get out to pick my green beans.  Which means I had more than usual that were overripe, at least to me they were.  But never fear there is always tomorrow and every day till they stop producing.  They still do some good for us though, because if they are overripe I just toss them into the compost pile.

  And this would be my youngest, the most miserable out of the three that are sick.  Who fell asleep today during lunch.  Don't mind the mess, he is a boy, and I cleaned him up before putting him in his bed.

   Not much else to talk about.  My days have been taken up caring for under the weather kids.  Which means a lack of sleep for mommy.  Thankfully they all slept pretty good last night except for two or three moment mommy had to get up to comfort little ones.  But a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do.  Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.  That's all for now folks.  I hear my baby calling me.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Busy, busy weekend

    So we had a busy weened around here, my youngest turned three on Sunday and we had his birthday party on Saturday.  Thursday we went to the store to get stuff for the party.  Friday I baked the cupcakes on Friday, the decorated on Saturday morning.  It was fun getting together with family and the kids really enjoyed running around outside most of the day.

   My husband found this little guy on one of the kids toys on Saturday.  We think it may be a toad or bullfrog.  He put it in the pond with the other frogs, but it disappeared after a few hours.

   This is also what took up some time of my Sunday.  I canned seven jars of pickles, bring my total up to around 30 jars that I have done up.  As you can see, I still have some cucumbers left over to can the next time.  I'm getting about a handful or two of beans each day so I blanch bunches every two days or so.

   My husband surprised me on Friday with these flowers.  I love orange roses they are beautiful and have opened up so much since I got them.

   The downside of having such a fun day on Saturday and staying up late was being so tired all day long on Sunday.  And then my oldest was out of sorts.  Turns out he has hand, foot, and mouth disease.  He had it last year somehow, but this year he has gotten it worse.  He has blisters on his hands, feet, butt, and in his mouth.  He also was getting sick this morning, but really seems like he is feeling better after some Motrin and a shower.  For now he is quarantined in his bedroom.  He doesn't mind though, he gets a day of playing on his DS without his brothers trying to watch him.  Hopefully his blisters disappear soon because I don't want my other two to get it as well, but HFMD can last for up to a week or so.  Luckily school doesn't start for about two weeks so he should be go to go by then.  But until then I am not taking him out of the house because it is also contagious.  Fun, fun in a house with little kids.  But it's just another part of life with little kids. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Oh Murphy

   So on Tuesday my dog got himself into some trouble.  He got out and went under some stuff to get at a groundhog.  Yes the same place where I got all the poison.  Again he would come out when I wasn't around, so I just left him down there for awhile to see if he would come out on his own and come home.  Well then we were going out for the evening and I didn't want him to still be down there so I got jeans and a long sleeve shirt on and went after him.  Got him out and there was blood on a rock after I pulled him out, he got scratched or bit by the groundhog.  Looked under the rocks and I could see the groundhog this time.  So I took Murphy up to the house and gave him a bath, then bathed myself, to make sure I didn't get any poison again.  So I've been watching him closely.  I'm a little worried about rabies but my husband is not.  Clearly the groundhog acted out of self defence, and groundhogs are not known for being rabies carriers, but I'm a momma and I worry about stuff like that.  Today, two days later, he looks fine and is acting normal except he is a little hoarse, but not as much as yesterday.  He was barking for a looonnggg time at that groundhog so I can't say I'm surprised that he's hoarse.

   Then yesterday I put Murphy outside and gave him a piece of ham bone from a roast that I cut the meat off for dinner last night.  A little while later I hear Murphy barking oddly.  I look out the window and there is a small skunk going after his bone!  So I yell for my husband and he goes outside, but luckily the skunk was gone and didn't spray Murphy, phew.

   And it appears I was wrong when I said that there were no green beans in the garden the other day.  I went down to the garden later that day and found  enough green beans to use with dinner last night.  Since they are a Kentucky Wonder variety they are supposed to be 8-9 inches long, but I have found that they taste better when they are only 5-6 inches long, so I need to make sure and be proactive with my picking and make sure I get them before they get too big.


   The other day I was outside with the kids and caught this picture of two of the frogs that are part of the frog family that lives in our pond.  The second frog is in the back of the picture, he's just a little blurry because my camera focused on the other one.

   Last  night I noticed that the bananas that I had bought where getting brown spots on them, so what do I do?  Cut them up and put them in my dehydrator! Yay for yummy banana chips.

   Last night I had an idea pop in my head, I think the bananas had something to do with my train of thought.  So I searched online to see if you could dehydrate cucumbers, and guess what, you can!  So guess what I'm doing today, dehydrating cucumbers! If they turn out ok my dehydrator may be working a lot in the near future.  I have a good bit of cucumbers that are a little too over ripe for pickles.

   Here is a little dose of cuteness to get you through the rest of your day.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Garden Update

   So, it's August now and I thought I would do a garden update since I havn't posted any pictures since my garden tour.  There is a lot of green down in my garden, and a few bursts of color.

   Corn on the right, pole beans on the left.  I planted two batches of corn, hence the difference in size.

   My beans are finally starting to grow.  They are Kentucky Wonders and will be 8 or 9 inches long when ripe.

   My broccoli is done.  If you remember I had an issue with something eating them, tried to put up a fence, which didn't help.  They started to grow back, but got eaten again.

   Watermelons!  Medium, small, and large.  Can't wait till they get ripe and we can eat them.  My kids love watermelon, and for the leftover I can dehydrate it! Woohoo!

   My Roma tomatoes are coming along nice, but none are ripe yet.  I hope I can figure out what to do with them before they get ripe.

   My pops of color, the blossoms from my pumpkin plant.

   Pumpkins!  I only have about three of these that I've found.  I am hopeful that there will be more because I have a lot of growth and blossoms on my plants.

   This looks like some kind of mold or something on my pumpkin leaves.  I just noticed it when I went to the garden to take these pictures so I will look up what is going on when I'm done here.

   My apple tree, one of two that we have.  They have long been neglected and last year there was only maybe a dozen apples on this tree and they all rotted before they were ripe.  This past spring I did a major trimming on the trees and now I have dozens upon dozens of apples and am very proud of my trees!  I know that is weird, being proud of trees lol.

   Now on to the cucumbers, which are coming out of my ears!  I have made three batches of refrigerator pickles and canned 7 jars this past weekend.  Today I am getting ready to make another batch of canned pickles.  Some of the cucumbers have gotten a bit big so I don't know what to do with them.  Note for next year, not so many cucumbers, and pick them sooner.

   And now some cuteness :)

Shared on The Prairie Homestead Barn Hop.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Weekend project

So this weekend I had a project I needed to get done.  My mom bought a wooden shelving unit that we are going to put baskets in for my oldest sons toys.  It is handmade and solid wood.  We needed something that was solid wood and not particle board because our boys are a little rough on things.  My son finally got to pick out his paint color, which is red, but luckily it's not like a blood red.  So here is a before and after shot.  I'm not the best painter, but I think it still turned out pretty nice, and it's not like my son is going to complain about the paint job.  Don't mind all the junk in my garage.

  While I was in garage I hear my dog start barking.  I look up and see...

   A family of turkeys!  Two adults and a bunch of little ones.  They got a little spooked when Murphy started barking so they moved quickly to the side of the yard and then into the woods.  I've never seen any turkeys in our yard before so it was pretty cool to look up and see them there.  Also, I'd rather have turkeys in my yard than bears.