Thursday, July 17, 2014

Couch day for me today.

  So I'm going to do throw back Thursday in a minute but first.  It's going to be a couch day for me today, with a heating pad on my back.  Yesterday while taking laundry downstairs my foot slipped on the carpet somehow and I fell down the stairs.  Luckily I went down on my back and didn't go forward.  And I'm ok, I just have a sore back today.  My neck was out yesterday but today seems to be back in place, thankfully.  But I had a hard time sleeping last night and this morning I woke up really stiff and sore.  Got out the heating pad and I feel a little better, But will probably not be doing much today.  So on to throw back Thursday.

   This was taken last May after a long afternoon of playing outside.  Even Murphy (furbaby) was wore out from playing outside!

   Oh, and my husband surprised me yesterday by bringing home almost a full truckload of manure fertilizer for my garden!  Doesn't take a lot to get this girl excited, lol.  Even though I already had grass clippings and straw on most of my garden we didn't think it would hurt anything to still put the fertilizer on over top of that stuff.  And I was really excited when I found five (!) pickling cucumbers that were ready to be pickled.  So I picked them, brought them to the house, cut them up and put them in the left over brine from my last batch of pickled.  Today I will check them out and see if them last as good as the cucumbers that I bought from the market.  I'm also just so happy to finally have some fruit for all my labor that I put into the garden, yay!

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