Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beaty after the rain

   I like the rain during summer.  It helps to cool things off a bit when it is hot out.  It refreshes the garden and means I get to water the garden less.  When I walked outside this morning and looked at the flowers on the side of the house half of them had bloomed.  But there are many more buds yet to open, but they really seemed to like the rain from yesterday and this morning.  These flowers and the landscaping around the side of the house that wraps around to the back where the patio is was already done when we moved into the house.  It needs a lot of upkeep to keep it pretty, but its worth it for it to look when when all the flowers are in bloom.

   I am pretty sure that these are Lily but I am not sure what kind they are.  I was very surprised when they came up our first summer at this house.  I have never seen Lilies with colors like these.  I have purple ones, peach ones, white, yellow, red, and maybe even an orange one.  I don't think any of the flower bunches are the same color, nor do they bloom at the same time, kinda weird.  But they do have an extended blooming season it seems, because only a few buds bloom at a time, then as they die other buds open up.

   When we moved in the hillside had been landscaped and I changed it up a little bit by putting the pond that was out front that got leaves in it over winter so I decided to move it out back where I thought it would get less leaves in it.  I was right but wrong at the same time.  it still got leaves in it, just not as much.  Last year after I moved it I put some fish and plants in it.  It looked beautiful.  Then the water Lilies completely covered the pond which was ok, but it didn't leave much room for the Lily pads to come up.  Then over the winter my pump stopped working and I couldn't fix it.  So, my fish and plants died.  The as it got warmed this spring and my kids started playing outside my youngest started throwing every rock that he could find in the pond, including the decorative rocks that lined the pond.  Now my pond is in disarray since I havn't figured out what I am going to do with the pond now.  It's kinda an eyesore now, but it will look better by next year hopefully.  Next spring I want ducks so I may just rip the pond out to let it be for the ducks.  We will have to see.

  Needless to say it does not look like that anymore.  But it was beautiful while it lasted.  But it will be beautiful again.  For now, there is a family of frogs living in there.  Every time I walk past it, I heard them jumping into the water.  I havn't managed to get a picture of the baby frogs, I just catch a glimpse of them out of the corner of my eye as they jump into the water.  But I did catch a picture of the adult frog.

   And on a parting note, it does not look like I will be getting any broccoli from my garden this year.  My fence did not work so I believe it was a deer getting in there rather than something smaller.  All my broccoli plants are without leaves.  I don't know yet if I am going to just pull them all up or just wait, see, and pray that they may come back.  I will look into it, and hope that whatever it is that is getting into my garden leave my green bean leaves alone too so I won't be down two crops already this year.  

Shared on  http://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2014/07/homestead-barn-hop-169.html

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