Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goals for the new year.

   So this year I have decided that I am going to set goals for myself that I will do my best and hardest to complete.  Some things are just a one time thing and others are things that I will do all year long, hopefully.

   2014 was a year pretty much like any other year.  There were some firsts, including the older guys joining soccer this year, but mainly just the every day bumps and lumps that come from raising three boys in this world. 

   So here is what I hope to accomplish this year and things I would like to put into practice this year.  These are in no particular order.

   - Buy a new vehicle.  We have been trying to do this for awhile, but for one reason or another have not been able to save up the money to put this into action.  Plus my current SUV has continued to chug along so its been a blessing. 

   -Get Gabriel a new bed.  He is currently still in his crib turned toddler bed, which he still fits into, but it squeaks when he moves around because it has been jumped on too many times, lol.  I am going to look into bunk beds that can convert into two single beds so that way we can either put Gabe and Julian in a room together or have them still set up like they are depending on if we move to a house with more bedrooms this year or not.

   -Declutter.  When we had our house fire three years ago we lost everything but then got a lot od stuff given to us and as usual there are the extra things around the house that don't get used that are just taking up space.

   -Make room for baby.  This kinda goes along with the last goal but is still a little different because it focuses more on my bedroom than the whole house.  For the most part the new baby boy will be in the master bedroom with us this coming year but that room is what needs the most cleaning out because stuff just kinda gets put in there so it needs organized and moved around a little bit.

   -Get caught up on laundry.  This is something that comes and goes yet kinda goes along with the last goal too, but it never seems like I am caught up with the laundry but I want to figure out a system as to where the laundry is more manageable, but that may just come when I get some energy but who knows when that will be, lol. 

   -Read more books.  This past year I havn't been reading as much as I would like to.  I don't have a set amount of books I would like to read, just an overall want to read more.

   -Read more with the kids.  We have gotten out of the ritual of doing this with the kids recently.  Between running late with the bedtime schedule and momma being rather tired at the end of the day we havn't ended up reading together as much as I want to.  So my goal is to read to the kids at least 3 days a week, doesn't have to be at bedtime though just whenever it fits in.

   -Keep in touch more with family.  Not to much to expand on there, lol.

   -Work on the Christmas fund.  I plan on doing this by saving up money throughout the year and buying things as I see them on sale rather than wait for Christmas like I have done in the past.  Any money I make from selling things in the declutter department will go towards birthdays and Christmas funds.  Also I plan on working hard with the Swagbucks that I have been doing which earned me some of the money via Amazon gift cards that paid for some of Christmas this year.  It's a pretty cool program that gets a monetary reward for little output. 

   So hopefully with some of these in place we will be more prepared for Birthdays and Christmas monetary wise.  But also I just hope to be able to enjoy this year with my family and become closer and more organized.  But who doesn't want that, lol.  Here are a few pictures from the last year.

   And that does it for 2014.  Hello 2015.  Be good to me please. 

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