Wednesday, December 24, 2014

As the countdown comes to a close.

   Edit: I wrote this last night on my phone on the blogger app but it wouldn't post for some reason.

   So, there is just two days left till Christmas.  More like one since its evening and tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  I hope you all have your shopping and wrapping done.  Me, I ran out of tape last night, of course, so I have to finish up my wrapping tonight.  But I refuse to wrap presents on Christmas Eve.  It just kinda feels pointless to me since they will get unwrapped in less than 12 hours anyway.  But its not like we put our presents out under the tree or anything.  That would be disastrous with Sebastian around.

   Today I thought it would be cool to make Julian and Gabe Santa hats.  I have ones that I bought but they are falling apart so I decided to crochet them.  I looked at patterns on pinterest, found one Gabe liked and while we were at the store today picked up some yarn.  So we will see how they turn out and hopefully I will be able to get them done soon.  The first one is more than halfway done so they don't take long to work up.

  So my day tomorrow looks like it will be full of laundry, crocheting, and I need to make dinner rolls for Christmas dinner.  So, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. :)

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