Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Busy week, but what's so different about that, lol.

   So, I've been pretty busy the last few days and will be for the rest of the week too probably.  If you follow me on Facebook or on Instagram you know what I've gotten myself into, lol.  I've been baking cookies, getting my craft on, and wrapping up some Christmas presents while the older two kids were at school.

   Last year I made a few of those snowflakes made with a hot glue gun.  I even went out and bought a glue gun specifically for this project because I did not have one.  Well, not all of my snowflakes made it through the seasons of storage that come with Christmas decorations.  So I decided to make some more.  So I grabbed my trusty glue gun, wax paper, glitter, mod podge, and a brush.  It took a snowflake or two to get the hang of it back going over the pattern, then everything went rather smoothly.  Except for my helpful little elf, Gabe, who came over every few minutes and asked if he could put on the glitter yet.  But then came the time to take the snowflakes off the wax paper, and they didn't, :/  Last year I used parchment paper, so I don't know if that made any difference but I also forgot to put a little bit of Dawn on the paper before starting since that is supposed to help with getting the snowflakes off, so now I have eight snowflakes that are stuck to a piece of wax paper and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them.  Also, now I need to make more that I can actually take off the wax paper.


   Today I also started the long process of making Christmas cookies.  Today I made snickerdoodles.  I also plan on making chocolate chip cookies, some kind of sugar cookies, and peanut butter cookies.  I think there was another kind I was thinking of making but I can't remember it at the moment.  I signed up to make cookies for the fellowship after the kids Christmas program on Sunday.  I also need to make something for Christmas dinner, so I figured I would just make extra cookies to take.  And any extra I have will go to work with my husband, hopefully.

   Also on Thursday I have a baby appointment with my anatomy ultrasound scheduled so we will be able to find out what we are having!  Yay, I'm so anxious though.  This is the first pregnancy that we have found out what we are having.  I don't want to take anything away from the birth of our baby if I experience gender disappointment, especially since this will more than likely be our last baby.  So we will be finding out what this baby is.  I was a little upset when our third child turned out to be another boy, but I think in the back of my mind that I always knew we might have another baby so it would be ok.  So with this pregnancy I'm not exactly sure how it will go if we are having another boy.  But all will be well and we will be happy with whatever God gives us.

   We also decorated the Christmas tree this past weekend.  Sebastian tried to help, he would shove the ornament into the tree then when it didn't stick he would say "uh, oh," at it fell on the ground.  He is too cute.

   And to leave things, a cute little picture of my Sebastian.  I love it when he sits like that with his little hands under his chin.

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