Thursday, September 25, 2014


  So not up to much today, just trying to catch up on laundry and trying to figure out what i'm doing for dinner tonight.  I think I'm going to go with french toast and some pieces of bacon ends we have.  Not that long ago my husband and his dad split a whole pig from a local butcher.  I really like doing that a lot better than getting it at the grocery store and the bacon was awesome! We got it hickory smoked along with some other cut of meat.  It is by far the best tasting bacon I have ever had.  And it was a lot thicker than bacon you get at the store with more pieces in the package as well.  We will be buying more of our meat in bulk from now on.  You get the cuts of meat you want and it's usually from a local farm which is always a plus.

   Now, enough about meat.  Let's see if we can find some throw back Thursday Pictures for ya.

   Ssssoooo many toys!  Can you find the little boy?! Lol.  my oldest was probably about 2 in this picture.

Toga! Toga! Toga!  I believe he had the towel wrapped around him like that because we were visiting my mom and he had a rash on his bottom and I wanted it to breathe a little, but my mom didn't want him peeing on her floor, lol.

  That's all for now folks. Happy Thursday!

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