Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Long time no post.

   I am so sorry for the lack of posts around here lately.  I have been trying to get into a routine with having two kids in school now.  With early mornings, pick-ups, drop-offs, and packing lunches, also a little something else that I will get to later, it has been a little bit hectic around here.  Here are some pictures of what we have been up to recently. So this will be a picture heavy post :)

   This is what happens when you have a little one strapped into a seat, but then the seat is not strapped to a chair, lol.

   Playground time.

   They weigh pretty much the same so they didn't really get anywhere, lol.

   Fun at the little pool area by the playground.

   The National Zoological Park in Washington D.C.   Baby Panda!


  Momma and baby lion cubs.

   The farm area at the zoo.  It was kind of funny to me.

   You have already seen this picture from my last post, but it amounted to 125 ears of corn and about 46 bags of corn for the freezer.  I will see how long this last us this year to see if I have the right amount to be able to last us a year.

  Dino boy built a fort for his older brother.  I love it when they get along.

  Little man still getting used to waking up early in the morning.  He's my last sleeper but when he has to get up so I can take his brothers to school he's not too happy about it.  I was doing something in the kitchen and turned around to find him like this at 7:30.

   One of four pumpkins out of my garden.  They have all been picked by now and are sitting on the banister of the front porch.

   Still getting used to those early mornings.  His brothers woke him up this day probably around 7.  He fell asleep like this before lunch.  Always has to have his blankets.

   The furbaby Murphy.

   Hiding in the cabinet in the kitchen.  I had to clean it out awhile ago because they kept crawling in there.

   The cabinet exploded, lol.  These are all the blankets that were in said cabinet.

   Yeah, had to add this one.  Little man is in the stage where he is always taking his diaper off, but on this day he had his shoes on so he couldn't get his diaper off! took him about two hours to take his shoes off so he could get his pants off.

   If you have stuck with me this long, thank you.  I know some people enjoy looking at stuff like this while others would just have recipes, tips, and other things. I will get into more stuff like that as I get more of a knowledge on this blogging stuff.  Don't forget to look me up on Facebook.  A Life of Organized Chaos.  Hope to see you around.

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