Wednesday, July 23, 2014

It's always something

  So yesterday was a whirlwind kind of day.  I went downstairs to get the laundry out of the washer to hang outside and while doing so my older two kids went outside "looking for momma."  They will use any excuse to go outside.  When the door opened the dog, Murphy, also went outside and then as I was hanging up the laundry ran off.  So, my clothes are half up on the clothesline and I'm running around yelling for the dog.  I made the kids go inside and told them not to go back outside I would be back.  Found Murphy because I heard him barking.  He had somehow managed to get in under a cement slab that was in a little stretch of woods between out house and the neighbors, and he had something cornered under it.  It took me an hour and the help of a neighbor to get him out, finally.  Then the neighbor told me I better go wash my arms and legs because there was poison in that patch of woods, great.  Went back to the house and my youngest had emptied out my canister of bread crumbs, all over my kitchen.  I guess I was asking for that one, but I didn't want anything to happen to my dog either.

  So after cleaning up myself and the kitchen, then making lunch for the kids it was already 1:30.  The usually eat around 11:30, but luckily for me, I guess, they had woken up late that day and didn't eat breakfast early so they were not hungry then anyway.

  My husband texted me sometime when I was outside and asked me how my day was going.  Needless to say he got a long text in return.  He called me not to long later and told me he knew I had busy days but that was pretty interesting.

  This morning the hits just keep on coming.  Even after washing my legs and arms, I still woke up with poison in a couple spots, ugh.  Then I took my youngest into the pediatrician because he has some kind of rash or something on his legs and butt that I couldn't get rid of after trying for a week and using everything I had here at the house on it.  So he got a prescription and we headed to the store to get it and a few other things.  While in the store my youngest started getting fussy, and of course today had to be the day my kids are more ornery than usual.  So I held my youngest, while pushing the cart through the store (and got many more than normal, "you've got your hands full.)  As I was getting my youngest out of his seat I noticed he was not using his right arm and that it was hurting him.  well crap.  So I gave him something for the pain and started watching him more closely.  This isn't the first time this has happened, and I believe it is nursemaids elbow.  He's had it twice before, maybe three times.  So for now he has his arm in a little sling and if it is still bothering him in a few hours when my husband gets home I will take him to the ER to get it looked at, but there isn't a lot you can do for it.  I didn't notice any trauma to his arm while we were out today and I am always careful to not really hold his hand but more his arm instead.  So it's always something and the hits just keep coming.  Hopefully this weekend will be nice and calm.

    Poor little guy!

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