Thursday, July 31, 2014

Busy Day: Hair cuts, pickles, and VBS

   It's been a busy week, mainly just because my schedule is thrown off a bit because of VBS being this week.  It's from 7-9 p.m.  Kinda a weird time.  I get the kids cleaned up after dinner then it's off to church, leaving no time to clean up the toys before bed because when the kids get home them are tired (and trying to get them to clean up could cause a major meltdown,) so we just clean up at some point the next day.

   Yesterday on a trip to the store I finally got a canner with a jar rack, (not a pressure canner, more or less just a big pot.)  So now I can start canning my cucumber pickles up, yay! But I also now have to find a place to put my pickles after they are canned.  Canning pickles is supposed to be a good way to ease into water bath canning, so here's hoping it will all go smoothly.  But for now, I have to run to the store because they didn't have any canning salt at the store, and I knew I'd need it for the pickles, and I only have some coarse kosher sea salt in my cabinet, which I hear you can use I just don't have enough.  So I may have to leave a little early tonight for church and see if I can find a store that has it.  Or, I could just text my husband and see if he can pick me up some, that would work out much better :).

   So I guess today is hair cut day as well.  The kids got a hair cut at the beginning of summer but were in need of another one now and before school starts :/.  I cut their hair at home, as well as my husbands so it saves us money that way, but takes longer.  It probably takes about an hour and a half maybe to get the three boys done.  Mainly because they have to take a shower afterwards because they get itchy because of the other reason it takes so long.  They never stand still.  Even my 6 year old cannot get through a haircut with out squirming and fussing.



   This was taken in April of 2010.  I don't know why he was posing like that but he's just so darn cute.  I do remember he had just finished lunch and had peanut butter on his face.  This is my oldest when he was about 20 or so months old.  Such a sweetheart.  I love that boy!


  1. I'm visiting from a homestead blog link...just want to say hello & that I enjoyed reading through some of your posts. You have a precious family! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting!
