Thursday, February 12, 2015

A few tidbits about being pregnant in the Winter.

   So I have pretty much been in every stage of pregnancy during the summer, with babies due in June, August, and October.  So I must say I am by far enjoying this pregnancy being in the fall/winter months much more.  There are a few reasons why.

  Reason number one.  I do not have to worry about getting around my belly to shave my legs every time I get in the shower :)
  Reason number two.  While I have already managed to gain 33 lbs :/ I am not swelled up like I have been in my past pregnancies due to heat.  You would not believe how much more comfortable, (I know, pregnancy and comfort usually don't go together in the same sentence, lol) it is to be pregnant and not have the swollen feet/ankles, face and pretty much entire body.  It also does wonders for your self image too, which of course can be really crazy with all these hormones swirling around.
   Reason number three.  Even though I do turn on my ceiling fan most nights as some point, I am not hot to the point of not being able to do anything.  Plus in the winter I can easily put on a t-shirt or something or step outside for a minute to cool off if need be.
   Reason number four.  I managed to cover up my bump until we were ready to tell all our family about our newest addition.  Which in today's world when you tell people you are having a fourth child you tend to get some not so nice comments or looks.  And I seriously wish people would realize the phrase, "Boy you have your hands full." is actually to rude comment to say to a mom when she is in the store with her kids.  Yes I know some people don't take their kids to the store because of reasons like this, but I have no fear taking all three (or four) of my kids to the store with me by myself.

   Some reasons I do not like being pregnant during the winter months is mainly due to weather conditions as you can imagine.  Falling on ice or getting in a car accident due to bad weather is a real danger when you live in an area where the weather can become such.  I tend to take more precautions in the winter when the weather is bad, even choosing to stay at home instead of driving to take my preschooler to school.  Although that mainly has to do with our driveway because it can get pretty bad and is at a pretty good angle. I have slid most of the way down it in previous winters and have had issues trying to get up it, it was rather scary at times.


   So anyway, I am 29 weeks pregnant, wow, that went fast, almost down to the single digit weeks.  Everything is still going good. Still in debate about what kind of delivery we are having, but I'm kinda waiting to see what baby does and what position he ends up in to see which route we go down.  I am having issues with my hips this time around and have been referred to a chiropractor, I just have to make time to make an appointment. But other than that, just trying to figure out what we are going to name this fourth bundle of boy joy, lol.

  But trying to make this post not all about my pregnancy, I have yet to get my seeds planted but want to do that here soon.  It just makes it hard when the weather is so cold, I may wait a little while longer or get them all set up and just put them in the garage or something.  Also I am doing really well working on my Christmas fund through Swagbucks, I am soon going to turn in my set of points to earn my fourth $25 reward through paypal, meaning I will have $100 already saved towards birthdays and Christmas and it is only the middle of February. 

  To see more of my day to day stuff, I am on Facebook, look me up.  Also I have lots of fun putting pictures up on instagram (m_mitchell07), so hit me up and follow along.

  My ducks were in a row this day, lol, but it didn;t last long.

  Someone must have been wore out, he fell asleep sitting straight up!  But he is sitting right between two section of the couch so the opposite cushion is what is holding him up. Still a cutie though :)  

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