Thursday, November 6, 2014

I need a nap

So, I know its been awhile but unfortunatly my laptop is on the fritz so I'm doing this from my tablet so please bear with me if there are any spelling or grammer mistakes.
   So, what's been going on these past few weeks with us.  Halloween parades, trick or treating and trunk or treating, and most of it just being me and the kids because Josh has been hunting (but he did get a deer last weekend so yay.  I canned some deer meat, but updatedabout that on facebook.)

   Oh and then there is the other thing that I have been dealing with.  I have a three year old, who now keeps his clothes on most of the time, who likes to get up on he counters and get in my kitchen cabinets.  I have had baking soda spills, hot sauce spills, and salt all over my kitchen.  Yesterday he got into my regular food coloring, luckily it wasn't my Wilton icing coloring which stains don't ask me how I know this, and made a mess with that.  I am out of ideas of how to keep him off the counters.  I tell him no, I pop him on the butt or hand.  Nothing seems to deter him.  He has even fallen off the counter a few times, don't worry he didn't get hurt.  Whats a mom to do?

   So there is no rest for the weary momma.  Even when she is pregnant, lol.  I find myself drinking less water and not really resting like I should be, but I'm getting better or at least I would like to think that.  I'm hoping my computer is up and running again soon because I have some Christmas crafts I'd like to put up on here.  For now, so long and goodnight, I wish, lol.

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