Monday, October 6, 2014

Birthday with a Surprise!

   So this past week has been a busy one getting ready for Gabe's birthday party on Sunday.  And it went off without a hitch!  There were about ten kids running around my back yard yesterday they had a blast.  Plus it was also the first birthday party where there were little friends here and not just family even though we have a lot of little people in the family.  There are ten kids in their generation that are six and under! 

   This is the cake and cupcakes I made for the party.  I really like getting fancy with cakes and love to decorate them but I have run into some issues.  Most of my husbands family is diabetic so I would make these awesome looking cakes but no one would eat them because they couldn't, and I would have lots of cake left over to eat and some of it would go to waste.  So I started making cupcakes for the kids and a cake that was sugar free with sugar free icing.  Thankfully there are now some option in the store for sugar free cake mixes and icing.  I have tried many different sugar free icing recipes and I didn't really like any of them.  Also the reason for only making a plain sugar free cake with no special decorations is because sugar free icing does not hold up well for decorating.

  Sebastian had fun running wound outside with all the kids, but he kept stealing the bikes the older kids were using to ride down the hill, lol.

   So now, the day after the party I have only a little bit of sugar free cake left, none of the snacking food I had made for yesterday, and balloons everywhere! Lol.  But that is fine by me, I'd rather not have a lot of leftovers.

   Here is a picture of cute little Sebastian, such a cutie.  This is how he usually watches tv, laying on his back, feet on the tv stand, with his arms behind his head.

   I was trying to clean up some of the blocks the kids have so I was washing them in the tub last week.  I went into the bathroom to see how much water was in the tub and this is what I found!  Little man in the tub.  I guess he just couldn't resit all those bubbles!   And also a picture from Saturday, I think he woke up too early so he passed out right as dinner was ready.  Always has to have his blankets with him.

    And here is our little surprise that we shared with everyone at the birthday party.  So let me see, one, two, three, four, five, six.  Wait a minute six pumpkins?  I thought she only had three little boys, why are there,....oh wait, BABY PUMPKIN! Wow, so new baby coming end of April 2015.  We were very surprised by this one, but never the less are excited about our surprise blessing :)

   And here is Gabe practicing his baby sitting on Murphy.  He is so excited about having a new baby.  He keeps telling everyone, "There is a baby in my mommy's bellybutton!"  He will be such a good big brother/helper this time around.

Shared on Homestead Barn Hop.

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