Friday, June 27, 2014

Gardening with little ones

Gardening with little ones is always interesting.  I have had a small garden before that did ok, but that was also with only one or two little ones around.  I could usually get away with tending the garden while they napped.  Two years ago we moved into the house we are currently in and I had dreams of a vegetable garden, (there was already a place on the property that had been used as a garden, but looked like it hadn't been used in years when we moved in.)  That first year my garden got overrun with weeds.  With a three year old, two year old, and an eight month old baby, I did not get much time in the garden.  Fast forward a year and my husband and I agreed on having a container garden.  I planted potatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, one tomato plant, and some lettuce.  It did rather well until we went on vacation for a week and it didn't rain or get watered, ugh.  I tried salvaging it, but it was too far gone.  This year, upon my request my husband tilled the garden, (and made it three times bigger, a surprise I was not prepared for) for Mother's Day.  I was determined to not let those weeds get out of control again.  Bonus: this year I have two helpers, my five (almost six) year old, and my four and a half year old.  Only one problem though, that still leaves me with a two and a half year old, who has recently decided he doesn't need naps anymore.  Good thing for those four extra hands!

28 Things about me. It's harder than it looks.

My name is Meagan and I am 28 years old so here are 28 things about me:

1. I have three little boys, my oldest just turned 6 and my youngest will be three soon.

2. I have four brothers.

3. I am the only one of my siblings who has not gone into the military.

4. My favorite color is green.

5.  I have been married to my husband for 7 years.

6.  We have been together since I was in high school.

7.  I have recently discovered a love for gardening.

8.  My older two sons played soccer this year for the first time, and I think mommy is more excited than them, hehe, (I played soccer when I was younger.)

9.  People always ask me if my oldest two sons are twins.  They are 15 months apart and my oldest is small for his age and my 4 1/2 yr old is big for his age.

10.  I don't drink nearly enough water in a day, but I'm trying.

11.  I want ducks, lol.  We got a few chickens and two ducks this year, but due to our dog and some unforeseen circumstances we ended up culling them, but we are getting more next year.

12.  I have a dog named Murphy, he is a full blooded weiner dog, and he's pretty cute ;)

13.  My oldest son was born four days after mine and my husbands one year wedding anniversary.  Father's Day also is around that time, so it gets busy around here.

14.  I'm one of those moms who will sit and watch a movie after the kids have left the room.

15.  We live in a 3 bedroom house on about 3 acres.

16.  Our last house was very large, but had a problem with the wires and caught on fire.  Don't worry we all made it out ok, but our house was a complete loss.

17.  Yes, I would love to have a baby girl, but as I tell people I'm not sure I'd know what to do with a girl, after three boys, lol.

18.  I need a new car.

19.  But I don't want a van, even though it has the number of seats I would like.  I'm a soccer mom, but I like my SUV's.

20.  Last summer we had three bears walk through our back yard.

21.  It is a lot harder than you would think to list 28 things about yourself, lol.

22.  I was born with a cleft lip, which has been repaired, but I also have a deviated septum from it, so I usually get a lot of sinus infections, not fun.

23.  I love fruits and veggies.  We have two apple trees on our property last year they only grew a few apples then rotted off.  This spring I trimmed the trees and now we have dozens of little apples on the trees, hopefully they don't rot this year.

24.  I love Pinterest, and I get many ideas and recipes from there.

25.  My oldest son has asthma and allergies and his medicines are the reason why he is on the shorter side.

26.  I am going to potty train my youngest this summer, but it may not go well because he doesn't talk yet.  His dr. said it is not normal but not uncommon with him being the third child.

27.  I have a very colorful house, but not much matches because we picked out the colors and furniture before we were actually able to move in the house.  We wanted everything to be painted and set up before we moved in because we started with nothing so we had to buy everything.  Hopefully someday I will have a nice looking house.

28.  I run around outside in my bare feet all the time, but I make sure my kids have their shoes on, lol. Also, I don't really like snakes, luckily I have only seen a few garter snakes around they house, those ones are not so bad, they just seem to appear out of nowhere and startle me.